10 Pin Bowling Rules


Rule 1: Membership in the league is Co-Ed from ages 18+ years old. Roster size will be limited to 5 members per team but only 4 bowlers can bowl each game.

Rule 2: Each league member will pay $20 week at the beginning of each league season, at registration (shoe rental extra). All league members must pay their bowling fees on time to remain in the league. All fees will be paid to PTBOSS no later than 1st game.

Rule 3: The minimum legal lineup of 3 players must be present before the completion of the first frame of each game.

Rule 4: No one may bowl with more than one team for the regularly scheduled games each week.

Rule 5: Every match will consist of 3 games completed by each team in the league.

Rule 6: Bowlers will establish their league average in their first league session.

Rule 7: Absentee and vacancy scores will be allowed when a team has less than a legal lineup at the start of the series. The absentee score will be the absent member’s average minus 10 pins.

Rule 8: All league games must be bowled as scheduled except when they are postponed or pre­ bowled by authorization of PTBOSSC.

Rule 9: Team position standings shall be determined on a point basis, with 2 points awarded for each game won and 1 point awarded to the team for highest number of pins for the series.

Rule 10: Remember, this is a social league, do not take it too seriously.